Windows Keyboard shortcuts
Mastering keyboard shortcuts can significantly enhance your productivity on Windows.
This article will introduce you to the essential shortcuts that will help you navigate the operating system with ease.
General shortcuts (applies to all versions of Windows)
Combination | Actions |
Ctrl + X | Cut the selected element. |
Ctrl + C | Copy the selected element. |
Ctrl + V | Paste the selected element. |
Ctrl + Z | Undo an action. |
Alt + Tab | Switch between open apps. |
Alt + F4 | Closes the active app. If you're on desktop, the shutdown dialog will appear. |
Win + L | Locks your PC. |
Win + D | Displays and hides app windows. |
F2 | Renames the selected item. |
F3 | Searches for a file or folder in File Explorer. |
F4 | Displays the address bar in File Explorer. |
F5 | Refreshes the active window. |
F6 | Cycles through screen elements in a window or on desktop. |
F10 | Activates the Menu bar in the active app. |
Alt + F8 | Shows your password on the sign-in screen. |
Alt + Esc | Cycles through items in the order in which they were opened. |
Alt + Underlined letter | Performs the command on that letter. |
Alt + Enter | Displays properties for the selected item. |
Alt + Spacebar | Opens the shortcut menu for the active window. |
Alt + ← | Go back. |
Alt + → | Go forward. |
Alt + Page Up | Moves up one screen. |
Alt + Page Down | Moves down one screen. |
Ctrl + F4 | Closes the active window. |
Ctrl + A | Selects all elements in a document or window. |
Ctrl + D or Del | Deletes the selected item and move it. |
Ctrl + E | Opens Search option, if available. |
Ctrl + R or F5 | Refreshes the active window. |
Ctrl + Y | Redo an action. |
Ctrl + → | Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word. |
Ctrl + ← | Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous word. |
Ctrl + ↓ | Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph. |
Ctrl + ↑ | Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph. |
Ctrl + Alt + Tab | Switch between opened apps with arrow keys. (You can let go of the Alt and tab keys) |
Alt + Shift + ↑ ↓ → ← | When a group or tile is selected on the Start menu, move it in the specified direction. |
Ctrl + Shift + ↑ ↓ → ← | When a tile is selected on the Start menu, drag it onto another tile to create a folder. |
Ctrl + ↑ ↓ → ← + Spacebar | Select multiple individual items within a window or on the desktop. |
Ctrl + Esc | Opens Start Menu. |
Ctrl + Shift + Esc | Opens Task Manager. |
Alt + Shift | Changes the keyboard layout when multiple layouts are available. |
Shift + F10 | Shows the context menu for the selected item. |
Shift with any arrow keys | Select multiple items within a window or on the desktop, or highlight text in a document. |
Shift + Del | Permanently delete the selected item without sending it to the Recycle Bin. |
Windows 11 keyboard shortcuts
Combination | Actions |
Win | Opens or closes the Start menu. |
Win + A | Opens Quick Settings. |
Win + B | Sets focus on the first icon in system tray in taskbar. |
Win + C | Opens Copilot. |
Win + Ctrl + C | Turns on the color filter. (The shortcut needs to be enabled in Settings > Accessibility > Color Filter) |
Win + D | Hides and displays desktop windows. |
Win + E | Opens File Explorer. |
Win + F | Opens Feedback Hub app. |
Win + G | Opens Game Bar. |
Win + Alt + B | Turns HDR on or off. (This applies to Xbox Game Bar app version 5.721.7292.0. To update the Game Bar app, visit Microsoft Store and check for new updates.) |
Win + H | Launches voice typing. |
Win + I | Opens Settings app. |
Win + K | Opens Cast from Quick Settings. |
Win + L | Locks your PC. |
Win + M | Minimizes all windows. |
Win + Shift + M | Restores minimized windows. |
Win + N | Opens notification center and calendar. |
Win + O | Locks the device orientation, if your device supports it. |
Win + P | Choose a presentation display mode. |
Win + Ctrl + Q | Opens Quick Assist app. |
Win + R | Opens the Run dialog. |
Win + Alt + R | Records a game window in focus with Xbox Game Bar. |
Win + S | Opens Windows Search. |
Win + Shift + S | Takes screenshot with Snipping Tool app. |
Win + W | Opens Widgets. |
Win + X | Opens the Power User context menu. (Similar when right clicking the Start button on your taskbar) |
Win + A | Opens Snap Layout. |
Win + . or ; | Opens the emoji panel. |
Win + , | Temporarily peek the desktop. |
Win + Pause | Opens your computer information in Settings > System > About |
Win + Numbers (from 1 to 9) | Opens the desktop and launches the app pinned to the taskbar at the specified position. If the app is already running, it switches to that app. |
Win + Shift + Number (from 1 to 9) | Launches the app and pins a new instance to the taskbar at the specified position. |
Win + Ctrl + Number (from 1 to 9) | Launches the app and switches to the last active window of the app pinned to the taskbar at the specified position. |
Win + Ctrl + Shift + Number (from 1 to 9) | Opens the desktop and launch a new instance of the app pinned at the specified taskbar position with administrator privileges. |
Win + Tab | Opens Task View. |
Win + ↑ | Maximizes the window. |
Win + Alt + ↑ | Snaps the window in focus to top half of the screen. |
Win + ↓ | Minimizes the app window. |
Win + Alt + ↓ | Snaps the window in focus to bottom half of the screen. |
Win + ← | Maximizes the app window to the left side of the screen. |
Win + → | Maximize the app window to the right side of the screen. |
Win + Home | Minimizes all windows except the active desktop window. (You can restore all windows on second stroke.) |
Win + Shift + ↑ | Restores / Minimizes the active window to the top and bottom of the screen. |
Win + Shift + ← or → | Moves an app or window in the desktop from one monitor to another. |
Win + Shift + Spacebar | Circles backwards through language and keyboard layout. |
Win + Spacebar | Switch input language and keyboard layout. |
Win + Ctrl + Spacebar | Change to a previously selected input. |
Win + Ctrl + Enter | Turn on Narrator. |
Win + + | Opens the Magnifier and zooms in. |
Win + / | Begins IME (Input Method Editors) reconversion. |
Win + Ctrl + Shift + B | Wakes your PC from black screen or black. |
Win + PrtScn | Takes screenshot on full screen. |
Win + Alt + PrtScn | Save screenshot of game window (Relies on Xbox Game Bar.) |
Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts
Combination | Actions |
Win | Opens Start menu. |
Win + A | Opens Action center. |
Win + B | Sets focus notification area in the Taskbar. |
Win + Shift + C | Opens Cortana in listening mode (Deprecated.) |
Win + D | Displays and hides desktop windows. |
Win + Alt + D | Displays and hides the date and time on the desktop. |
Win + E | Opens File Explorer. |
Win + F | Opens Feedback Hub. |
Win + G | Opens Game Bar. |
Win + H | Opens the dictation feature. |
Win + I | Opens Settings. |
Win + J | Sets focus on a tip for Windows 10 when applicable. |
Win + K | Opens the Cast quick action menu. |
Win + L | Locks your PC or switches accounts. |
Win + M | Minimizes all desktop windows. |
Win + O | Locks the device orientation, if supported. |
Win + P | Opens Project settings and choose a presentation display mode. |
Win + R | Opens Run dialog. |
Win + S | Opens Windows Search. |
Win + U | Cycles through apps on taskbar. |
Win + V | Cycles through notifications. |
Win + Shift + V | Cycles through notifications in reverse order. |
Win + X | Opens Quick Link menu. |
Win + Z | Shows the commands available in an app in full-screen mode. |
Win + , | Temporarily peek at the desktop. |
Win + Pause | Displays the System Properties dialog box. |
Win + Ctrl + F | Searches for PCs on the local network. |
Win + Shift + M | Restores minimized desktop windows. |
Win + Number (from 0 to 9) | Launches the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. If the app is already running, it switches to that app. |
Win + Shift + Number | Launches the app and starts a new instance of the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. |
Win + Ctrl + Number | Launches the app and starts the last active window of the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. |
Win + Alt + Number | Launches the app and opens the Jump List for the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. |
Win + Ctrl + Shift + Number | Launches the app and opens a new instance at the specified taskbar position with administrative privileges. |
Win + Tab | Opens Task View. |
Win + ↑ | Maximizes the window. |
Win + ↓ | Minimizes the desktop window. |
Win + ← | Maximizes the desktop window to the left side of the screen. |
Win + → | Maximizes the desktop window to the right side of the screen. |
Win + Home | Minimizes all except the active desktop window. (Restores all windows on second stroke.) |
Win + Shift + ↑ | Stretches the desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen. |
Win + Shift + ↓ | Restores the active window vertically, maintaining width. |
Win + Shift + → or ← | Moves the desktop window from one monitor to another. |
Win + Spacebar | Switches input languages and keyboard layouts. |
Win + Ctrl + Spacebar | Changes to a previously selected input. |
Win + Enter | Opens Narrator. |
Win + / | Launches the IME (Input Method Editors) reconversion. |
Win + + or - | Zooms in or out using Magnifier. |
Win + Esc | Stops Magnifier. |
File Explorer keyboard shortcuts
Combination | Actions |
Alt + D | Selects the address bar. |
Ctrl + E | Selects the search box. |
Ctrl + F | Selects the search box. |
Ctrl + N | Opens a new Window. |
Ctrl + W | Closes the active window. |
Ctrl + Mouse scroll wheel | Adjusts the dimensions and look of file and folder icons. |
Ctrl + Shift + E | Shows all folders located above the chosen folder. |
Ctrl + Shift + N | Creates a new folder. |
Num Lock + * | Shows all subfolders within the chosen folder. |
Num Lock + - | Shows the items within the chosen folder. |
Alt + P | Shows the Preview panel. |
Alt + Enter | Opens the Properties window for the chosen item. |
Alt + → | Views the next folder. |
Alt + ↑ | Navigates to the parent folder of the current directory. |
Alt + ← | Views the previous folder. |
Backspace | Views the previous folder. |
→ | Expand the current selection (if collapsed), or highlight the first subfolder. |
← | Collapse the current selection (if expanded), or navigate to the parent folder. |
End | Views the bottom of the active window. |
Home | Views the top of the active window |
F11 | Enters full screen mode. |
Taskbar Keyboard Shortcuts
Combination | Actions |
Shift + Click a taskbar button | Opens an app or another instance of an app. |
Ctrl + Shift + Click a taskbar button | Opens the app as administrator. |
Shift + Right click a taskbar button | Shows the context menu for the app. |
Virtual desktop keyboard shortcuts
Combination | Actions |
Win + Tab | Opens Task view. |
Win + Ctrl + D | Adds a virtual desktop. |
Win + Ctrl + → | Switches between virtual desktops to the right. |
Win + Ctrl + ← | Switches between virtual desktops to the left. |
Win + Ctrl + F4 | Closes the current virtual desktop. |
Microsoft Edge keyboard shortcuts
Combination | Actions |
Ctrl + Shift + B | Show or hide favorite bar |
Alt + Shift + B | Sets focus on the first item in the favorites bar. |
Ctrl + D | Saves the current tab as a favorite. |
Ctrl + Shift + D | Saves all open tabs as favorites in a new folder. |
Ctrl + Shift + E | Opens search in sidebar. |
Alt + D | Selects the URL in the address bar to edit. |
Ctrl + E | Opens a search query in the address bar. |
Alt + E | Opens Settings and more ... menu. |
Ctrl + F | Opens find on page. |
Alt + F | Opens Settings and more ... menu. |
Ctrl + G | Jumps to the next result for find on page. |
Ctrl + Shift + G | Jumps to the previous result for find on page. |
Ctrl + H | Opens history. |
Ctrl + Shift + I | Opens Developer Tools. |
Alt + Shift + I | Opens Send Feedback dialog. |
Ctrl + J | Opens Downloads. |
Ctrl + K | Opens a search query in address bar. |
Ctrl + Shift + K | Duplicates the current tab. |
Ctrl + L | Selects the URL in the address bar to edit. |
Ctrl + Shift + L | Pastes and search or paste and go (if it's a URL). |
Ctrl + M | Mutes the current tab. |
Ctrl + Shift + M | Signs in as a different user or browse as Guest. |
Ctrl + N | Opens a new window. |
Ctrl + Shift + N | Opens a new InPrivate window. |
Ctrl + O | Opens a file from your computer in Edge. |
Ctrl + Shift + O | Opens Favorites. |
Ctrl + P | Prints the current page. |
Ctrl + Shift + P | Prints using the system dialog. |
Ctrl + R | Reloads the current page. |
Ctrl + Shift + R | Reloads the current page while ignoring cached content. |
Ctrl + S | Saves the current page. |
Ctrl + T | Opens a new tab and switches to it. |
Ctrl + Shift + T | Sets focus on the first item in the app bar toolbar. |
Alt + Shift + T | Reopen the last closed tab and switches to it. |
Ctrl + U | Views source. |
Ctrl + Shift + U | Starts or stops Read Aloud. |
Ctrl + Shift + V | Paste without formatting. |
Ctrl + W | Close the current tab. |
Ctrl + Shift + W | Closes the current window. |
Ctrl + Shift + Y | Opens Collection. |
Ctrl + 0 | Resets the page level zoom. |
Ctrl + 1, 2, ...8 | Switches to a specific tab. |
Ctrl + 9 | Switches to the last tab. |
Ctrl + Enter | Adds www. to the beginning and .com to the end of text typed in the address bar. |
Ctrl + Tab | Switches to the next tab. |
Ctrl + Shift + Tab | Switches to the previous tab. |
Ctrl + + | Zooms in. |
Ctrl + - | Zooms out. |
Ctrl + / | Toggles between Fit to page and fit to width in a PDF file. |
Ctrl + [ | Rotates the PDF counter-clockwise 90°. |
Ctrl + ] | Rotates the PDF clockwise 90°. |
Ctrl + Shift + Delete | Opens clear browsing data options. |
Alt | Sets focus on the Settings and more ... button. |
Alt + ← | Goes back. |
Alt + → | Goes forward. |
Alt + Home | Opens your home page in the current tab. |
Alt + F4 | Closes the current window. |
F1 | Opens Help. |
F3 | Opens Find on page in the current tab. |
F4 | Selects the URL in the address bar. |
Ctrl + F4 | Closes the current tab. |
F5 | Reloads the current tab. |
Shift + F5 | Reloads the current tab while ignoring cached content. |
F6 | Moves focus to the next pane. |
Shift + F6 | Moves focus to the previous pane. |
Ctrl + F6 | Moves focus to the web content pane. |
F7 | Turns caret browsing on or off. |
F9 | Enters or exists Immersive Reader (If supported). |
F10 | Sets focus on the Settings and more ... button. |
F10 + Enter | Opens Settings and more ... menu. |
Shift + F10 | Opens context menu. |
F11 | Toggles full screen. |
F12 | Opens Developer Tools. |
Esc | Stops loading page / Closes dialog or a pop-up. |
Spacebar | Scrolls down a webpage, one screen at a time. |
Shift + Spacebar | Scrolls up a webpage, one screen at a time. |
PgDn | Scrolls down a webpage, one screen at a time. |
Ctrl + PgDn | Switches to the next tab. |
PgUp | Scrolls up a webpage, one screen at a time. |
Ctrl + PgUp | Switches to the previous tab. |
Home | Goes to the top of the page / Moves the keyboard focus to the first item of pane. |
End | Goes to the bottom of the page / Moves the keyboard focus to the last item of pane. |
Tab | Goes to the next tab stop. |
Shift + Tab | Goes to the previous tab stop. |