Member Information
We'd like you to bear in mind that none of our moderators work for nor are affiliated with Microsoft. Verified employees will rock the Microsoft employees
1. No harassment, hate speech, racism, sexism, trolling, stereotype-based attacks, bypassing our content filters, de-bloaters/privacy scripts, or spreading harmful/false information. You may be banned immediately and without warning or recourse.
2. Do not post anything that could be considered sexual, violent (known as NSFW/NSFL) or political in nature (including memes). If you are unsure if something is considered NSFW or political, you shouldn't post it.
3. Do not ask for money or any other goods (such as games or Nitro), or offer money in exchange for receiving support. Furthermore, don't advertise/sell your bots, servers, services, products or anything else. If you're not sure if something is an advertisement, contact ModMail.
4. Do not stir up drama, laugh at others' misfortune or make unnecessary comments or reactions if you or others are punished. If there is a conflict, work to defuse it instead of making it worse.
5. Do not mention or DM Moderators, Microsoft Employees, or any other members who aren't part of the current conversation for any matter, unless you share a mutual relationship. DM Modmail for all moderation-related queries and only ping @Moderator for emergencies like a raid or significant spam.
6. Keep non-alphanumeric characters in your nickname to a minimum so that your name can be easily typed by others using standard English characters.
7. Use the correct channels or threads for your messages. If there's a better place for the current conversation then use it, and don't post or link to the same thing in multiple places. Also check the description in each channel before posting, as extended rules may exist for that channel.
8. Users in direct violation of Discord's Terms of Service may be banned without warning. This includes the use of userbots or not meeting the minimum age requirement.
9. Do not impersonate or roleplay as any products, services, public figures, popular companies, or fictional characters in your username, avatar, or your messages.
10. Respect and listen to our Moderators' decisions, requests, and wishes; do not waste their time. This includes allowing Moderators to do their job rather than taking the role upon yourself, threatening others with punishments, or telling members they broke a rule. Instead, report it in Modmail.
11. No content related to piracy or illegal activities, including black and grey market sites of any kind. This includes linking to unofficial (e.g. untrusted archive sites), paywalled downloads of products (e.g. MSDN) or discussions about legal copies of Windows LTSC outside of #sysadmin.
12. Do not discuss punishments given to others or yourself outside of Modmail. All Modmail communication and audit log details are private and should not be shared or discussed in the server. If you have questions or concerns, contact Modmail.
13. Do not attempt to take support or other requests outside of the server as we cannot ensure your or the user's safety from scams, trolling and abuse. This includes suggesting the use of DMs or remote assistance tools (such as Quick Assist or TeamViewer).
14. No problematic content or media. This includes anything that could induce epilepsy (without obstructing the content with a spoiler and making a disclaimer), anything that can crash, restart or exploit the Discord client, or trigger a user's antivirus (even if it is not inherently dangerous).
15. No typing in any other language than English; we cannot moderate different languages.
16. Non-contributive or incoherent behavior which is disruptive to the community and conversations will not be tolerated. This includes bumping/unarchiving threads without contributing anything relevant to them.
Role | Description |
🌟 Moderators | Overlooking the community and its development; ensuring the safety of the members and the server itself. |
⭐ Microsoft employees | Verified Microsoft employees. If you're one and want to get verified, visit the #employee-verification channel. Any advice given by Microsoft employees isn't official support and should be taken as-is. For professional assistance, use one of Microsoft's support channels such as |
🤓 Windows Insiders & Patch Tuesday | Members with these roles will be pinged and notified whenever new builds in their selected channel(s) are released. These roles can be opted in and out of by using the commands outlined in the channel description of #bot-commands. |
❤ Regular | Gets granted automatically upon certain amount of engagement with the server; also grants the ability to upload and embed content, access certain channels, and some other perks which are available to higher-tier regular ranks. Regular members are a vital part of the server. |
💎 Nitro boosters | Gets granted automatically to those who Nitro boost our community; hoists you on the members list sidebar. More on Discord Nitro here. |
ℹ️ More in-depth information on the server's roles can be found here.
Moderator Help
📫 For all server-related issues, message @Moderators mail. The bot will create a thread for your enquiry and alert active moderators to it.
❗ Do not ping @Moderators or @Lead Moderators unless there is an emergency that requires immediate intervention, such as a server raid or significant spam.
Channels and Their Uses
Channel | Description |
#server-information | General information about this server. |
#rules | Our server's rules. |
#announcements | Various Microsoft related news and announcements get posted here, so we recommend you to enable notifications for this channel. |
#insider-announcements | News and information for all the latest Insider Builds! Enable notifcations in #bot-commands to get the latest news immediately! |
#community-updates | Channel contains public log of public facing updates, it will give more transparency on what we're changing and why we're changing stuff. |
#general-chat | A place to talk about anything that doesn’t fall under one specific channel, is generally related to technology, and to chat with friends. Try to keep to the current topic of conversation, and if something is more suited for another channel, then post it there. |
#lounge | A general channel role-gated to members with the Superbly Regularly Regular role or higher, Microsoft employees and Nitro Boosters. |
#offtopic-and-memes | Memes, random non-tech stuff, and slightly less structured conversations can go here. Other things that go here are less-serious technical support, and any overflow from #general-chat. |
#surface-and-more | Talk about all of Microsoft’s contemporary line of hardware. If you’re considering buying a new device, then ask here to get opinions from actual Microsoft tech owners. |
#insiders | Discussion of all Insider programs (yes, there’s a few). You’ll also get updates to Windows Insider builds here, as well as opportunities to give feedback to actual Microsoft employees about the future of Windows and other Microsoft products. |
#feedback-hub-forum | Want to share your, or someone else’s, Feedback Hub feedback on the server for others to vote on? You can post them as links here! ! |
#legacy-stuff | Have you got an old DOS PC, a Palm Pilot, or just really love Windows 7 or XP? Feel free to discuss it here. There’s plenty of like-minded thinkers here who love the history of computing. |
#mobile | Talk about all your mobile devices here, be it phones, tablets or smart watches. Any operating system and manufacturer are welcomed here. |
#linux-and-more | Talk about WSL and your favorite Linux distributions, or get help installing Gentoo and picking which DE to use. |
#sysadmin | This isn’t tech support, this is where you discuss Servers, Azure, PowerShell, Office 365, SharePoint, Teams, Windows Server, Active Directory, OneDrive, Patching, Security, Automation, Compliance, Hyper-V... All the fun stuff! |
#development | All your programming queries can be asked here. If you’re sharing code snippets, then using code blocks (```code goes here ```) really helps keep things tidy. Like #tech-support, this is community help only. |
#gaming | News and info about games can go here, as well as screenshots, clips and asking if anyone wants to play anything. |
#movies-books-tv | A place for conversation about movies, books, and TV shows. Try to not spoil anything, and make sure to use spoiler tags. |
#anime | Feel free to utilise this channel for discussions about anime, manga and other related Japanese media. Animemes are tolerated, but NSFW content is disallowed under all circumstances. |
#art-and-design | Have you made a pretty thing, are interested in discussing the future of Fluent Design or just want to show off your desktop? That’s what this channel is for. |
#setups-and-desktops | Have a cool desktop/home screen or wallpaper to show off? Do you want to show off your desk setup? Post that stuff here! |
#photography | Things and thangs that you captured. This channel is not for posting memes, for memes use #random-stuff. |
#music | Talk about your favourite music and artists here. You can feel free to share Spotify/YouTube links etc. Occasionally, we may host music listening parties that you can join in with and suggest songs for. |
#tech-support | Have you got a problem that you’re unable to fix, or just a query that you can’t find the answer for? Ask here! Any support offered here is not official Microsoft support, is offered upon other members' discretion, and may not be accurate or work. |
#tech-support-forum | An experimental replacement for #tech-support using Discord's Forum Channels. Allows for more organised discussion in help threads. |
#cts-support-feed | If you want to provide support for other peoples' tech issues, you can check in this channel for feeds of @Community Tech Support pings. |
#tqs-break-room | TQS members can use this channel to discuss relevant thoughts, ideas, and opinions related to issues currently going on in #tech-support. |
#office-and-m365 | If you need help with Office-related queries, including Word, Excel and PowerPoint assistance, then ask here for more dedicated help. You can also use this channel to just talk about Office and its features. |
#purchase-advice | Ask for help on what to buy/upgrade, give advice to others or get help on building your own custom PC. |
#cloud-services | If you want to discuss cloud services and find things that are right for you, then ask here. |
#giveaways | You gain access to this channel after being around for a while. You can use this channel to organise and take part in giveaways. Don't give away any illegal goods (pirated/grey market software licenses etc.) or anything fake with the intention to disappoint. |
#deal-alerts | You can use this channel to post and announce cool deals you find. This channel is for sharing deals only. Please keep casual discussion to #deals-discussion. |
#deals-discussion | Use this channel to have discussions about the offers and deals in #deal-alerts. |
#bot-commands | A place to use most bot commands to avoid interrupting active conversations. |
#employee-verification | If you’re a Microsoft employee, you can use this channel to verify yourself. |
#starboard | If a message gets six "Heartosoft" emoji reactions, then it should appear here! |
#minecraft-status | Important notifications regarding the Minecraft server will be posted here. |
#minecraft-server | Use this channel to discuss our official Minecraft SMP server! Details to join are available in the channel description. Note that it is role-gated to members with the Regular role or higher, Microsoft employees or Nitro boosters. |
Other Channels | Sometimes, other channels may temporarily appear for competitions and applications. These will have their own rules; please abide by them. There are also other moderator-only or role-specific channels that aren’t listed here to prevent confusion. |
Server Commands
Tech Support Commands
Command | Function |
!ask | Displays the process for asking competent questions |
!excel | Links to other places to get help with Microsoft Excel |
!t-dmanager | Displays info about Device Manager |
!t-ipconfig | Displays info about IPCONFIG |
!t-sfc | Displays info about System File Checker |
!t-reliabilityhistory | Displays info about Reliability History and Event Viewer |
!t-systemrestore | Displays info about System Restore |
!t-recovery | Displays info about Windows Recovery |
!t-privacy | Displays info about Windows privacy and 3rd party "privacy" scripts |
!t-cleaners | Displays info about space and speed "cleaners" for Windows |
!t-boosters | Displays info about Driver updates and 3rd party solutions |
!t-safemode | Displays info about Safe Mode |
!t-cleanboot | Displays info about Windows clean boot |
!t-ramuse | Displays info about RAM utilization |
!t-feedback | Talks about Microsoft receiving your feedback |
!t-offlinesetup | Setting up Windows offline |
!bsod | Displays info about diagnosing BSODs |
!patience | Reminds you to be patient when asking questions |
!download11 | Describes where to download Windows 11 |
!download10 | Describes where to download Windows 10 |
!download | Describes where to download Windows 10 and 11 |
!graceperiod | Talks about using Windows inactivated |
!t-vcredist | Displays links to download Visual C++ Redistributable |
!hacked | Displays a link to Microsoft's troubleshooter for a hacked account |
Staying Updated Commands
Command | Function |
!join-insider-canary | Gives you the Windows 11 Insiders (Canary) role |
!join-insider-dev | Gives you the Windows 11 Insiders (Dev) role |
!join-insider-beta | Gives you the Windows 11 Insiders (Beta) role |
!join-insider-rp | Gives you the Windows 11 Insiders (Release Preview) role |
!join-insider-10 | Gives you the Windows 10 Insiders (Release Preview) role |
!join-patch-tuesday | Gives you the Patch Tuesday role |
!swap-insider-dev | Swaps Windows 11 Insiders (Canary) role with Windows 10 Insiders (Dev) role |
!swap-insider-rp | Swaps Windows 11 Insiders (Release Preview) role with Windows 10 Insiders (Release Preview) role |
!leave-insider-canary | Revokes the Windows 11 Insiders (Canary) role |
!leave-insider-dev | Revokes the Windows 11 Insiders (Dev) role |
!leave-insider-beta | Revokes the Windows 11 Insiders (Beta) role |
!leave-insider-rp | Revokes the Windows 11 Insiders (Release Preview) role |
!join-insider-10 | Revokes the Windows 10 Insiders (Release Preview) role |
!leave-patch-tuesday | Revokes the Patch Tuesday role |
!keep-me-updated | Gives you all opt-in roles |
!dont-keep-me-updated | Revokes all opt-in roles from you |
/latestcanary | Shows the latest Canary Channel Insider build |
/latestdev | Shows the latest Dev Channel Insider build |
/latestbeta | Shows the latest Beta Channel Insider build |
/latestrp | Shows the latest Release Preview Channel Insider build |
/latestserver | Shows the latest Server Insider build |
/roles grant | Lets you choose an Insider role or @Giveaways to be given to you |
/roles remove | Lets you choose an Insider role or @Giveaways to be revoked from you |
The word insider
in any of the above commands can be substituted with insiders
Misc Commands
Command | Function |
/rules all | Posts a snippet of all rules. |
/rules rule number: <1-16> | Posts a snippet of the specified rule. |
/rules search keyword: <keyword> | Search for a rule by keyword! |
!unofficial, !official | Posts a snippet explaining the unofficial status of the server |
!modapply | Posts a snippet explaining how to apply as a moderator |
!modwhen | Posts a snippet explaining how your application is processed |
!modprob, !modproblem | (Tier 4+ only) Informs a member that has a concern about a mod action to DM Moderators' Mail |
!modsuggestion | (For Moderators only) Informs a member that has a suggestion about the server to DM Moderators' Mail |
!modping | Posts a snippet explaining when it is appropriate to ping Moderators |
!banappeal | (For Moderators only) Ban appeal instructions. |
!snippets-useful, !snippets-important | (For Moderators only) Displays useful/important Modmail snippets at a glance |
!images | Explains as an antispam measure that you need the @Tier 1 (Regular) role to post images |
!accounts | Explains as that we are not able to help anyone with purchasing or account issues |
!rules | Explains how and where to learn our rules |
!bots | Links to info about the server's bots |
!roles | Links to info about the server's roles |
!insider, !insiders | Links to info about the server's Windows Insider roles and info surrounding them |
/rank | Shows you your current rank |
/top | Shows you the leaderboard for the server |
!xp | Explains how to learn about your XP and your current placement on our leaderboard |
!pinged, !inbox | Explains how to find out who may have pinged you |
!whois <member> | Displays data about the mentioned member |
!infractions <member> | Lists infractions for the mentioned member |
!warn-limit | Posts a snippet explaining that there's no definitive warning limit that leads to a ban |
!linux-shilling, !l-s | Reminds you that random Linux shilling for the sake of it isn't helpful |
%%microsoft verify | Start verification process in #employee-verification |
/gstart | Starts a giveaway |
!suicide-hotline | Displays a link about where to go to help with suicidal behavior or thoughts |
!w11-hardware | Displays links/info on Windows 11 on unsupported hardware |
!w11-stable | Explains the stability and experience people may have with Windows 11 |
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this server official?
No, this server is not official. It is community-run, it is not run by Microsoft. Also none of our moderators are (to the best of our knowledge) affiliated with Microsoft in any way. We do have official Microsoft employees in the server, however, but they have joined of their own free will, and not as part of their job.
How do I report something?
Send a private message to @Moderators' mail, found at the top of the members list. The message should include as much information as you can reasonably provide. If, in the event of any technical issues, the moderators mail bot is not found at the top of the members list, it will be replaced by the moderators, who in this instance only, you may directly message regarding your issue.
I got muted! What should I do?
Think about what you’ve done and wait patiently for the mute to expire. If you believe that the mute was unwarranted, message modmail as above and explain clearly and calmly why you believe you shouldn't have been muted.
Nobody is answering my question or helping me! What should I do?
Firstly, be patient. It might take a while for someone to be able to help you. Furthermore, consider if when you asked you’ve provided as much detail as possible to make it easy for us to help you. If you’ve done this, and you still need help and it’s been around a day or so and you’ve not had any help, then consider asking again.
Why does the server icon keep changing?
The server icon is changed to celebrate certain events, usually major holidays or important dates in computing history.
When is [MS update/product] going to be released?
When Microsoft decide to release it. Use search, since it’s likely this question will have been asked many, many times before.
Are those real Microsoft employees?
Yes, they are. They’re verified through their employee account. However, they aren’t here on official business and anything they say does not in any way represent Microsoft. They’re just here like any other user. Don’t ping them for support unless they’re actively helping you; it will be considered a violation of rule 5.
Why can’t I post images or videos?
As a spam prevention measure, you need the @Tier 1 (Regular)
role to be able to upload images. This role can be gained by being active for a little while. In the meantime, you can upload images to an alternative service like Imgur.
I got warned! How many times can I get warned before I get banned?
There is no set number; that is up to the discretion of the Moderators. We suggest that you read the rules and follow them as to avoid any conflicts.
I applied to become a moderator, how long before I get an answer?
We will get back to you only if we need to talk to you regarding your application. You may or may not hear anything back (patience is a good quality we look at 😉 ). Consider it analogous to a job application, your info is pooled with other people who are also interested in the position and it is up to us to determine who the best fit for the position is, and when to bring them on board.
Ban Appeal Process
You can send ban appeals here if you meet the following requirements:
- At least 120 days have passed since you were banned.
- You understand and are able to explain why you were banned.
How Do I Apply to be a Moderator?
If you wish to apply to our moderation team, you can apply here.
Invite Link
Feel free to invite your friends with our vanity URL:
Alternatively, feel free to use our fancy shortlink:
Emoji Servers
Have Nitro? We've got some cool emoji servers for you!
Fluent Emoji
Microsoft's new emoji set is adorable, so we're bringing it to Discord - we're adding more as they become available.
A long time ago, an inside joke resulted in the addition of a badly-drawn SharePoint emoji. This expanded until we had the whole Office suite, and then a wide range of popular logos and icons. Now, they have their own dedicated server!
Some platforms support the ability to display KEYBOARD keys. Discord doesn't, so here's loads of them as emoji!
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